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Can fiber lasers handle brass cutting?

Views: 0     Author: Chole     Publish Time: 2024-05-24      Origin: Tianchen Laser

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Can fiber lasers handle brass cutting?

Title: Unleashing the Power of Fiber Lasers for Precise Brass Cutting


As a technical engineer at Tianchen Laser, the leading fiber laser cutting machine manufacturer in China, I, Chole, am often asked about the capabilities of our machines in cutting various metals, including brass. With years of experience and expertise in the field, I can confidently say that fiber lasers are not only capable of cutting brass but also offer unparalleled precision and efficiency in the process.

Brass: A Versatile and Challenging Material

Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, is known for its attractive golden color, durability, and excellent machinability. It finds applications in a wide range of industries, from plumbing and electrical components to musical instruments and decorative items. However, brass can also present some challenges when it comes to laser cutting due to its unique properties:

High reflectivity: Brass has a relatively high surface reflectivity, which means it can reflect a significant portion of the laser beam's energy, making it more difficult to cut than some other metals.

Thermal conductivity: The high thermal conductivity of brass allows heat to dissipate quickly from the cutting zone, which can lead to a larger heat-affected zone (HAZ) and potential distortion.

Low melting point: Brass has a lower melting point compared to some other metals, which can result in the formation of dross or burrs along the cut edges if not properly managed.

Fiber Lasers: The Ideal Solution for Brass Cutting

Despite the challenges posed by brass, fiber lasers have emerged as the ideal solution for cutting this material, thanks to their unique characteristics and advantages:

Excellent beam quality: Fiber lasers generate a highly focused, high-quality beam with a small spot size, enabling precise and narrow cuts in brass with minimal HAZ.

High absorption: The 1.06-micron wavelength of fiber lasers is well-suited for brass cutting, as it is readily absorbed by the material, counteracting the high reflectivity and improving cutting efficiency.

Pulse shaping capabilities: Advanced fiber laser systems, such as those developed by Tianchen Laser, offer pulse shaping features that allow for fine-tuning the laser pulse to optimize cutting performance for brass and other challenging materials.

Rapid cutting speeds: Fiber lasers can achieve high cutting speeds on brass, especially for thinner gauges, leading to increased productivity and throughput.

Can fiber lasers handle brass cutting?

Optimizing Fiber Laser Parameters for Brass Cutting Success

To achieve the best results when cutting brass with a fiber laser, it is crucial to optimize the machine parameters based on the specific application and material thickness. Here are some key factors to consider:

Laser power: Adjust the laser power according to the thickness of the brass being cut. Higher power is generally required for thicker materials to ensure complete penetration and minimize dross formation.

Cutting speed: Determine the appropriate cutting speed based on the brass thickness and desired cut quality. Slower speeds may be necessary for thicker materials or to achieve cleaner, dross-free cuts.

Assist gas: Use nitrogen or compressed air as the assist gas when cutting brass. Nitrogen can help reduce oxidation and improve cut edge quality, while compressed air is a more cost-effective option for less critical applications.

Focal position: Experiment with different focal positions to find the optimal setting for brass cutting. A focal position slightly below the material surface can help minimize reflections and improve cutting efficiency.

Nozzle diameter: Select an appropriate nozzle diameter based on the brass thickness and desired kerf width. A smaller nozzle can produce narrower, more precise cuts but may require more frequent cleaning due to spatter buildup.

Techniques for Enhancing Brass Cut Quality with Fiber Lasers

In addition to optimizing machine parameters, several techniques can be employed to further enhance the quality of brass cuts made with a fiber laser:

Beam wobbling: Implementing beam wobbling, or oscillating the laser beam in a circular or figure-eight pattern, can help distribute heat more evenly and reduce the formation of dross and burrs.

Pulse ramping: Gradually increasing the laser pulse energy at the beginning and end of each cut can help create cleaner, more consistent cut edges and minimize thermal shock to the material.

Multiple passes: For thicker brass sections, using multiple passes with lower power and higher speed settings can help minimize heat buildup and improve cut quality compared to a single, high-power pass.

Post-processing: If necessary, post-processing techniques such as deburring, sanding, or tumbling can be used to remove any remaining dross or burrs and improve the finished appearance of the cut edges.

Real-World Applications of Fiber Laser Brass Cutting

Fiber laser cutting of brass finds applications across a diverse range of industries, showcasing its versatility and importance:

Electrical components: Brass is commonly used in electrical connectors, terminals, and switches due to its excellent electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Fiber lasers enable precise, high-quality cutting of these components.

Plumbing and hardware: Brass is a popular choice for plumbing fixtures, valves, and fittings due to its durability and resistance to water corrosion. Fiber lasers can efficiently cut brass sheets and tubes for these applications.

Musical instruments: Brass is the primary material used in the construction of many musical instruments, including trumpets, trombones, and saxophones. Fiber lasers can precisely cut brass sheets and tubes to create the various components of these instruments.

Decorative items: Brass's attractive golden color and shine make it a desirable material for decorative items such as jewelry, ornaments, and trim pieces. Fiber lasers allow for intricate, detailed cutting of brass for these artistic applications.

Can fiber lasers handle brass cutting?

Tianchen Laser: Your Trusted Partner for Brass Cutting Solutions

At Tianchen Laser, we are dedicated to providing our customers with state-of-the-art fiber laser cutting machines that excel in brass cutting applications. Our machines offer:

High-power fiber laser sources: With power options ranging from 1kW to 12kW, our fiber lasers can efficiently cut brass in a wide range of thicknesses.

Intelligent control systems: Our user-friendly control systems and software allow for easy parameter adjustment and optimization, ensuring optimal performance when cutting brass.

Robust mechanical design: Tianchen Laser's machines are built with high-quality components, such as precision linear guides and rack and pinion systems, ensuring accurate and repeatable cutting performance.

Customization options: We offer various customization options, including automated material handling systems, fume extraction units, and specialized cutting heads, to tailor our machines to your specific brass cutting needs.


In conclusion, fiber lasers have proven to be an exceptional tool for precise and efficient brass cutting, offering a range of benefits and capabilities that make them the ideal choice for manufacturers across various industries. By understanding the unique properties of brass, optimizing machine parameters, and implementing advanced techniques, users can achieve outstanding results when cutting brass with fiber lasers.

At Tianchen Laser, we take pride in being at the forefront of fiber laser cutting technology, providing our customers with cutting-edge solutions for brass cutting and beyond. Our expert team of engineers and technicians is committed to delivering the highest level of support and guidance to help our clients achieve their manufacturing goals.

If you're looking to elevate your brass cutting capabilities and unlock new possibilities for your business, look no further than Tianchen Laser. Contact us today to learn more about our fiber laser cutting machines and how we can help you achieve unparalleled precision, efficiency, and quality in your brass cutting applications. Experience the Tianchen Laser difference and take your manufacturing to new heights.

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