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What is the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel using a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine?

Views: 0     Author: Seasoned Engineer Chole     Publish Time: 2024-07-16      Origin: Tianchen Laser

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What is the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel using a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine?

Exploring the Maximum Cutting Thickness for Mild Steel with a 1kW Fiber Laser Cutting Machine


When it comes to cutting mild steel using a fiber laser cutting machine, one of the most common questions asked is, "What is the maximum cutting thickness that can be achieved with a 1kW system?" As an engineer at Tianchen Laser, a leading manufacturer of fiber laser cutting machines in China, I have extensive experience in this field and can provide valuable insights into this topic. In this article, we will delve into the factors that influence the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel and discuss how a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine can be optimized to achieve the best results.

Factors Affecting Maximum Cutting Thickness for Mild Steel

Several factors play a crucial role in determining the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel when using a fiber laser cutting machine. These include the laser power, beam quality, focusing optics, assist gas pressure, and cutting speed. By understanding how each of these factors contributes to the cutting process, we can better optimize the machine's parameters to achieve the desired cutting thickness.

Laser Power and Beam Quality

The laser power is one of the most significant factors influencing the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel. A 1kW fiber laser cutting machine delivers a high-power density beam that can efficiently melt and vaporize the material. However, the beam quality, which is determined by the beam parameter product (BPP), also plays a vital role in the cutting process. A lower BPP value indicates a higher beam quality, resulting in a smaller focused spot size and increased power density. This allows for deeper penetration and the ability to cut thicker materials.

Focusing Optics and Nozzle Selection

The focusing optics, including the focal length and nozzle diameter, also impact the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel. A shorter focal length lens will produce a smaller focused spot size, increasing the power density and enabling deeper penetration. However, this also reduces the depth of focus, which can affect the cutting quality and stability. The nozzle diameter should be selected based on the material thickness and desired cutting edge quality. A smaller nozzle diameter will result in a higher gas velocity and improved cutting performance but may also increase the risk of nozzle damage or clogging.

Assist Gas Pressure and Type

The assist gas plays a crucial role in the fiber laser cutting process, as it helps to expel the molten material from the kerf and shield the cutting zone from oxidation. For cutting mild steel, oxygen is typically used as the assist gas due to its reactive nature, which enhances the cutting process through an exothermic reaction. The assist gas pressure should be optimized based on the material thickness and cutting speed to ensure efficient material removal and a clean cutting edge. Higher gas pressures may be required for thicker materials to overcome the increased molten material volume and maintain a stable cutting process.

Cutting Speed and Heat Input

The cutting speed is another critical factor that influences the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel. As the material thickness increases, the cutting speed must be reduced to allow sufficient time for the laser beam to penetrate and melt the material. However, reducing the cutting speed also increases the heat input into the material, which can lead to a wider heat-affected zone (HAZ) and increased thermal distortion. To minimize these effects, it is essential to find the optimal balance between cutting speed and laser power for each material thickness.

What is the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel using a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine?

Optimizing a 1kW Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Maximum Thickness

To achieve the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel with a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine, several steps can be taken to optimize the machine's parameters. First, ensure that the laser source is operating at its peak performance and that the beam delivery system is properly aligned and maintained. Next, select the appropriate focusing optics and nozzle diameter for the desired material thickness and cutting quality. Adjust the assist gas pressure and type to achieve efficient material removal and a clean cutting edge. Finally, determine the optimal cutting speed that balances the laser power and heat input to minimize thermal distortion and maintain a stable cutting process.

Real-World Applications and Examples

In practice, a well-optimized 1kW fiber laser cutting machine can typically cut mild steel up to 8mm in thickness, although this may vary depending on the specific machine configuration and cutting parameters. Many industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, rely on fiber laser cutting machines to process mild steel components with high precision and efficiency. By understanding the factors that influence the maximum cutting thickness and optimizing the machine's parameters accordingly, manufacturers can achieve the best possible results and maximize their productivity.

What is the maximum cutting thickness for mild steel using a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine?


The maximum cutting thickness for mild steel using a 1kW fiber laser cutting machine depends on a combination of factors, including laser power, beam quality, focusing optics, assist gas pressure, and cutting speed. By carefully optimizing these parameters, manufacturers can achieve cutting thicknesses of up to 8mm or more, depending on the specific application and machine configuration. At Tianchen Laser, we are dedicated to providing high-quality fiber laser cutting machines and expert guidance to help our customers maximize their cutting performance and productivity. If you are interested in learning more about our fiber laser cutting solutions or would like to discuss your specific cutting requirements, please contact our team today.

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